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3 tips to beat Blue Monday with Locaal

Vanessa Langlois
January 16, 2023

Blue Monday, which occurs on the 3rd Monday in January, is symbolically the most depressing day of the year. The spirit of the Holidays is gone. The cold weather and little sunshine have an impact on everyone’s morale. Last month's expenses are taking their toll. Resolutions are difficult to keep. A new work week begins... But don't let all of this get you down! Locaal is here to help you beat this dreary day and seasonal depression. Discover our tips and our suggestions for local products to brighten up your everyday life.

1 - Focus on comfort


January is one of the coldest months on record. You may have accumulated a lot of stress over the past few weeks. It's only natural to want to stay inside—warm and cozy under a soft blanket!

Relax, read a book or watch your favourite TV show while drinking a Pilki Hawthorn and Lavender herbal tea. Its soothing flavours and anti-stress effect are perfect for enjoying a relaxing moment.

Got a sweet tooth? Try a Fay's Hot Chocolate Melt Bomb instead. It's no secret that drinking hot chocolate is always comforting. Pair your hot beverage of choice with a soothing snack, like muffins made with Chaleur B Chocolat's Chocolate Hazelnut Spread and Cuisine Soleil’s Muffin Mix. They’ll all satisfy your comfort food cravings!

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2 – Kickstart your healthy lifestyle habits

Saines Habitudes

Was this one of your 2023 resolutions? If so, don't give up on it! During the Holidays, you probably ate a lot (too much). You’re probably feeling the need to get back into shape and resume healthy lifestyle habits. Eating a balanced diet will help you avoid bloating, fatigue and headaches. And it will definitely make you feel better!

Don't worry: healthy eating doesn't have to be boring or bland. For a nutritious and delicious breakfast, top your low-fat yogurt with Fourmi Bionique’s premium aphrodisia granola mixes. For a lower calorie but equally tasty dinner, use The Legendary's Fit BBQ sauce in your dishes. It makes it easy to add a boost of flavour to your protein of choice.

Finally, replace your many soft drinks with harmful sugars with Flirt Drinks Raspberry Lemon Soda. Low in sugar, made with freshly squeezed fruit, and packed with good bacteria and organic acids, it's the perfect compromise for people who love fizzy beverages!

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3 – Boost your energy levels

Plein d'énergie

The cold days of January can sometimes seem especially long when there's little sunshine. Banish the Blue Monday blues by choosing products that have everything you need to energize you.

Wake up in the morning with a classic Viva coffee from Brûlerie du Quai. The creators named it "Viva" because it's cheerful, light, and puts you in a good mood right from the start of your day. Drink it at breakfast or when you begin work to start your day on the right foot. Do you usually sweeten your coffee? Put some Par Violetta’s caramel-flavoured fleur de sel. You’ll love this unique pairing!

In the afternoon, sip on a beverage that will recharge your batteries—all while delighting your taste buds! Discover the amazing flavours of Cactus Kombucha's Rose Raspberry Kombucha. The tea that forms the basis of this drink and the complex sugars that come from the fermentation process make kombucha an invigorating and healthier option than energy drinks.

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Now that you have everything you need, you’ll be in a good mood all day long on Blue Monday! Treat yourself to some great local products to beat the winter blues and enjoy every day of winter!

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